Friday, April 10, 2015

MOMENTS! Hello Derecho

…remember that time when a derecho rolled in in the middle of the ceremony and sent everyone running for cover?

It was a beautiful fall day for a farm wedding.  The ceremony was outside the family house next to a tall large tree.  A tent was set up in the yard next to a field of squash.  Right in the middle of the ceremony, the sky darkened, the wind picked up and tiny drops of rain began to fall.  What followed was mass pandemonium and the most glorious tableau of of impending doom.  Guests ran towards the tent, then ran towards the house.  Staff held dear to the poles lest it billow and blow away. A cake was sacrificed to the ground and everyone crowded into the house wet, delirious yet somehow still ordering drinks from the outside bar.  The ceremony continued inside and was one of the most heartfelt and beautiful I've yet experienced.  The images still resonate with me two years later.  

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