Wednesday, March 2, 2011

BUSINESS! WPPI Convention 2011

As usual the WPPI convention in Las Vegas was inspirational and overwhelming all at the same time.  This year I took several masterclasses in addition to the platform classes offered with registration and it was well worth the money.

  My inclination every year is to take as many classes as possible but it becomes quickly apparent that this is too exhausting.  Las Vegas is exhausting in and of itself.  The trade show floor alone takes several hours to peruse and requires several well planned trips.  The amount of new products and services each year is incredible and one cannot possibly see them all.  Needless to say, I did get to most of the booths I had earmarked and got to say "Hi" to many of the vendors I currently use.  

On a personal note, I got to take in more of Vegas than I normally do during the convention and even got to schedule a trip to The Valley of Fire State Park with friends.  We saw a Cirque Du Soleil show the last night we were there to finish off the trip.  

I'm excited to start implementing some of the ideas and techniques I learned and show of some new sample albums in 2011.  

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