Tuesday, October 15, 2013

COMMENTARY! The Power of Images: It Only Takes a Second

Sometimes the most amazing thing you do in a day takes mere minutes and isn't even part of the job. As I was setting up a back lit shot for the bride and groom at my last wedding, I asked my second photographer for the night, Stevie, to hop in and model for a test shot.  She's a really close friend of mine, an incredibly talented photographer herself and about 23 weeks pregnant.  What resulted was the most amazing maternity photo that she's asked to enlarge to hang in her baby's room.  I'm so touched that she would do this.  Sometimes you just get so caught up in the doing that you forget how much power and meaning there is in a simple image. 

1 comment:

  1. Now you made my cry Kyle! I read your post out loud to my mom who is sitting here next to me and was all choked up at the end. Thank goodness it wasn't a longer post or I would have lost it! Love you! and I will cherish this photo .. as well as the fun memory of it being taken .. forever!!!
